Article: Meeting Taylor Rose -

Meeting Taylor Rose -
As a fashion designer, my passion lies in creating clothing that are both sustainable and relatable. I believe that fashion should be comfortable, practical, empowering and I strive to prioritize these values in my designs. At the same time, I am committed to promoting ethical practices and minimizing the environmental impact of the fashion industry.
Growing up, I witnessed how clothing had the ability to not only express a person's individuality, but also forge connections between people from all walks of life. I pursued this interest for a year at the University of Missouri, and then transferred into the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles where I was also sustainability certified. While I was studying, I landed a position on the men's design team at Vince, where I worked hard and learned from some of the best designers in the business. Through intensive training and hands-on experience, I honed my design skills and gained valuable industry experience. However, I always knew that I wanted to start my own company and create clothes that would have a positive impact on people's lives. With this experience and my passion, I founded my own fashion company, XIVI.
My ultimate goal was to create eco-friendly garments that people could feel good about wearing, not only for their positive impact on the planet but also for the way they make the wearer feel. From a young age, I struggled with anxiety, and even though I never felt like I fit in, my wardrobe always stood out and inspired others around me. A significant focus of my brand is on comfort. Comfortable clothes can help you feel less anxious, but they shouldn't make you feel underdressed. XIVI creates clothing that offers our customers both comfort and a cooler aesthetics.
‘Wear Whatever’s Comfortable,’ but make it XIVI.
Taylor Rose